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Networking & Practice Transfer

Affiliated Institutions

Research Cluster "Wirtschaftsprüfung, Steuern & Digitale Transformation" of Prof. Dr. Guido Förster and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Marcus Bravidor

The research cluster WiSteDT - Wirtschaftsprüfung (Auditing), Steuern (Taxes) & Digitale Transformation (Digital Transformation ) deals with questions concerning the effects of digital transformation on auditing, business taxation, tax consulting, and internal and external accounting.

Chair holder Prof. Dr. Guido Förster is a long-standing member of the FAST research group. 

The aim of this association of university professors from German and Austrian chairs is

  • to gain research questions primarily from the entrepreneurial reality,
  • to answer these research questions in a science-theoretically sound manner, without being limited to selected theories of science,
  • not to narrow down the research methods and
  • to put the research results up for critical discussion.
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